Thursday, June 6, 2013

Interview Questions in SSAS

What is Impersonation? What are the different impersonation options available in SSAS?

  • Impersonation allows to assume the identity/security context of the client application. it perform the server side data operations like data access, processing etc. As part of impersonation, the following options are available in SSAS:
    • Use a specific Windows user name and password: This option specify Windows account credentials which will be used by SSAS to perform operations like source data access, processing etc.
    • Use the service account: When this option is selected, SSAS uses the credentials of the service account under which the Analysis Services service is configured/running for source data access, processing etc.
    • Use the credentials of the current user: When this option is set, SSAS uses the credentials of the current user for performing operations like DMX Open Queries, Local cubes etc. This option cannot be used for performing server side operations like source data access, processing etc.
    • Inherit: This option in the SSAS server decide which impersonation mode is suitable for each type of operation. When this option is set, by default SSAS will use the service account for operations like processing and the credentials of the current user for operations like Local cubes, querying the data mining models, etc...

What is a Named Calculation?

  • A Named Calculation is a new column added to a Table in DSV and is based on an expression. This capability allows you to add an extra column into your DSV which is based on one or more columns from underlying data source Table(s)/View(s) combined using an expression without requiring the addition of a physical column in the underlying database Table(s)/View(s).

What is a Named Query?

  • A Named Query is a SQL query/expression in your DSV which acts as a Table. It is used to combine data from one or more Table(s)/View(s) from the underlying data source without requiring any schematic changes to the underlying data source Table(s)/View(s).

What are the pros and cons of using Tables and Named Queries in DSV?


Named Queries
Named Calculations can be added to Tables in DSV.
Named Calculations cannot be added to Named Queries in DSV.
Keys and Relationships are automatically set (by the wizard) based on the Keys and Relationships in the underlying database schema.
Keys and Relationships have to be set explicitly in the DSV.
Only one Table/View from the underlying data source can be referenced in DSV.
More than one Table/View from the underlying data source can be referenced using a SQL Expression in the DSV.
Any filter/limiting conditions cannot be applied on a table in DSV.
Filter/limiting conditions can be applied as part of the SQL expression in the Named Query in the DSV.


What is the purpose of setting Logical Keys and Relationships in DSV?

  • By default, the Data Source View Wizard detects the Physical Primary Keys and Relationships between the tables in the underlying source database and applies the same Keys and Relationships in DSV layer. However, Logical Keys and Relationships need to be defined explicitly in the following scenarios:
    • If the DSV table is referring to an underlying database View.
    • If the DSV table is created as a Named Query.
    • If any additional relationships need to be defined in the DSV layer apart from the ones that are physically defined in the underlying source database.

Is it possible to combine data from multiple data sources in SSAS?

  • SSAS allows combining data from multiple underlying data sources into a single DSV. To be able to add Table(s)/View(s) from multiple data sources, first you need to create a DSV using your first source and this source acts as the primary data source. Now after the initial DSV is created, you can add one or more data sources into DSV which will act as secondary data sources and you can choose additional Table(s)/View(s) from the secondary data sources which you want to include in your DSV.
  • The key thing while combining data from multiple data sources is that the Primary Data Source must support OPENROWSET queries. Hence in most cases, SQL Server is used as the Primary Data Source.
Q: What are the components of SSAS?
§     An OLAP Engine is used for enabling fast ad hoc  queries by end users. A user can interactively explore data by drilling, slicing or pivoting.
§     Drilling refers to the process of exploring details of the data.
§     Slicing refers to the process of placing data in rows and columns.
§     Pivoting refers to switching categories of data between rows and columns.
§     In OLAP, we will be using what are called as Dimensional Databases.
Q: What is FASMI ?
A database is called a OLAP Database if the database satisfies the FASMI  rules :
§     Fast Analysis– is defined in the OLAP scenario in five seconds or less.
§     Shared – Must support access  to data by many users in  the factors of Sensitivity and Write Backs.
§     Multidimensional – The data inside the OLAP Database must be multidimensional in structure.
§     Information – The OLAP database Must support large volumes of data..
Q: What languages are used in SSAS ?
§     Structured Query Language (SQL)
§     Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) - an industry standard query language orientated towards analysis
§     Data Mining Extensions (DMX) - an industry standard query language oriented toward data mining.
§     Analysis Services Scripting Language (ASSL) - used to manage Analysis Services database objects.
Q: How Cubes are implemented in SSAS ?
§     Cubes are multidimensional models that store data from one or more sources.
§     Cubes can also store aggregations
§     SSAS Cubes are created using the Cube Wizard.
§     We also build Dimensions when creating Cubes.
Cubes can see only the DSV( logical View).
Q: What is the difference between a derived measure and a calculated measure?
The difference between a derived measure and a calculated measure is when the calculation is performed. A derived measure is calculated before aggregations are created, and the values of the derived measure are stored in the cube. A calculated measure is calculated after aggregations are created, and the values of a calculated measure aren’t stored in the cube. The primary criterion for choosing between a derived measure and a calculated measure is not efficiency, but accuracy.
Q: What is a partition?
A partition in Analysis Services is the physical location of stored cube data. Every cube has at least one partition by default. Each time we create a measure group, another partition is created. Queries run faster against a partitioned cube because Analysis Services only needs to read data from the partitions that contain the answers to the queries. Queries run even faster when partition also stores aggregations, the pre calculated totals for additive measures. Partitions are a powerful and flexible means of managing cubes, especially large cubes.
Q: While creating a new calculated member in a cube what is the use of property
called non-empty behavior?
Nonempty behavior is important property for ratio calculations. If the denominator Is empty, an MDX expression will return an error just as it would if the denominator Were equal to zero. By selecting one or more measures for the Non-Empty Behavior property, we are establishing a requirement that each selected measure first be evaluated before the calculation expression is evaluated. If each selected measure is empty, then The expression is also treated as empty and no error is returned.
Q: What is a RAGGED hierarchy?
Under normal circumstances, each level in a hierarchy in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) has the same number of members above it as any other member at the same level. In a ragged hierarchy, the logical parent member of at least one member is not in the level immediately above the member. When this occurs, the hierarchy descends to different levels for different drilldown paths. Expanding through every level for every drilldown path is then unnecessarily complicated.
Q: What are the different ways of creating Aggregations?   
We can create aggregations for faster MDX statements using Aggregation Wizard or thru UBO – Usage Based Optimizations. Always, prefer UBO method in realtime performance troubleshooting.
Q: What is WriteBack? What are the pre-conditions?
The Enable/Disable Writeback dialog box enables or disables writeback for a measure group in a cube. Enabling writeback on a measure group defines a writeback partition and creates a writeback table for that measure group. Disabling writeback on a measure group removes the writeback partition but does not delete the writeback table, to avoid unanticipated data loss.
Q: How do I find the bottom 10 customers with the lowest sales in 2003 that were not null?

A: Simply using bottomcount will return customers with null sales. You will have to combine it with NONEMPTY or FILTER.

SELECT { [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] } ON COLUMNS ,
NONEMPTY(DESCENDANTS( [Customer].[Customer Geography].[All Customers]
, [Customer].[Customer Geography].[Customer] )
, ( [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] ) )
, 10
, ( [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] )
FROM [Adventure Works]
WHERE ( [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2003] ) ;
Q: How in MDX query can I get top 3 sales years based on order quantity?

By default Analysis Services returns members in an order specified during attribute design. Attribute properties that define ordering are "OrderBy" and "OrderByAttribute". Lets say we want to see order counts for each year. In Adventure Works MDX query would be:

SELECT {[Measures].[Reseller Order Quantity]} ON 0
, [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].Members ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works];

Same query using TopCount:
{[Measures].[Reseller Order Quantity]} ON 0,
TopCount([Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].Members,3, [Measures].[Reseller Order Quantity]) ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works];
Q: How do you extract first tuple from the set?

Use could usefunction Set.Item(0)

SELECT {{[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].Members
ON 0
FROM [Adventure Works]
Q: How can I setup default dimension member in Calculation script?

You can use ALTER CUBE statement. Syntax:


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